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Language as a constitutive element of a gendered society. Developments, perspectives, and possibilities in the Slavic languages

Mer, 10/01/2014 - Dom, 10/05/2014
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After a somewhat restrained start, linguistic gender studies have evolved into a permanent part of the curriculum in Slavonic linguistics. They have been fueled by sociopolitical developments in post-socialist countries since the end of communism; they have been, and continue to be, influenced substantially by American and Western European gender studies to this date. The conference "Language as a constitutive element of a gendered society. Developments, perspectives, and possibilities in the Slavic languages" aims at ending the perception of gender linguistics as an academic fad and will contribute to establishing gender linguistics as a discipline in its own right within the canon of Slavonic linguistics. With its specific focus, gender linguistics can make a valuable contribution to many areas of (general) Slavonic linguistics as evidenced by many studies on lexicology, morphology, semantics, pragmatics, sociolinguistics, and the linguistics of discourse and conversation.

Dr. Dennis Scheller-Boltz (Department of Slavonic Studies)
Mag. Marion Jarosch (Interfaculty Platform for Gender Studies)
Dennis Scheller-Boltz