Dear all,
I'm pleased to share the programme for the Aston Institute for Forensic Linguistics research seminars. They run every Thursday afternoon, 4 to 5 pm (UK time) and can be attended online.
For Eventbrite links, abstracts, recordings of past seminars and future events you can go to our website:
This month, the seminars are:
6 February: Anthony Elisha Anowu, Anchor University Lagos. Turn-taking and Power in Cross-Examination of Expert Witnesses in Nigeria.
13 February: Natalie Braber, Nottingham Trent University. ‘I’ve never met a barrister that sounded like I do’: accent discrimination at the bar.
20 February: David Griffin, Cardiff University. What are we doing here? Linguistics and the Legal Domain.
27 February: Roberta Combei, University of Pavia/ Roma Tor Vergata. Decoding Political Discourse in the Digital Age.
Thanks and hope to see you there!