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DNC6 - Abstracts and Registration

DNC6 English (1000 width)
DNC6 Homepage | KeynotesProgram | Abstracts & Registration | Travel Information | Contact and Organisation

Guidelines for abstracts

Please send in an abstract of 250 words (excluding title and bibliography) before February 28th 2025 via this linkAbstracts may be submitted in English French, Spanish and Portuguese.


Registration and payment

After your abstract has been accepted, please follow these three simple steps:

  1. Sign up to the DiscourseNet website
  2. Pay the annual DN membership fee: 32 euros (30 euros + 2 euros administration fee)
  3. Register for the conference. The registration link will be sent to you along with the letter of acceptance, on March 31st 2025.

The congress is free of charge, but participants and authors must be fee-paying member of the DiscourseNet Association.

An exception concerning the DN membership fees is made for non-presenting participants of the host institutions (ULB, UCLouvain and the University of Valencia).

Without an active membership of the DN association, you will not be allowed to present. The annual membership fee is 30 € (+2 euros administration fee). Click here for payment instructions. The congress is open to non-presenting participants on condition that they follow the same steps and pay the DN subscription fee.