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International conference on conversation analysis and psychotherapy

Gio, 09/18/2014 - Sab, 09/20/2014
Scadenza iscrizioni


Psychotherapy is a form of professional practice that has significant implications for society and for research with a social interactional or linguistic focus. According to recent statistics, more than 10% of the population will seek professional mental health care at some point in their lives. Psychotherapists have long since recognized that important therapeutic business gets accomplished through talk – hence the term “talking cure” coined by Breuer and then later, Freud. Examinations of therapist-client conversations, therefore, can provide an important window into understanding how psychotherapy works in real time and in ecologically valid contexts.
Conversation Analysis (CA), which examines the moment-by-moment organization of social interaction in everyday and institutional contexts, has provided many insights into our understanding of how important psychotherapeutic ‘business’ is accomplished. Especially since the publication of Peräkylä et al.’s influential book on "Conversation Analysis and Psychotherapy" in 2008, new perspectives on how psychotherapy works in practice have been steadily accumulating.
The aim of this conference is to bring together researchers and practitioners from an international community to discuss new findings, methodological innovations and practical applications in this growing area of applied CA work. We welcome submissions addressing any relevant aspects of interactional practices used in psychotherapeutic contexts. Submissions that address relevant neighbouring forms of institutional practice (e.g., psychiatric consultations; psychological assessment; support-oriented help lines, home support visits and counselling) are also welcome. We hope the conference will be of interest to people from a variety of academic backgrounds (including psychotherapy, counselling, psychiatry, social work, linguistics, psychology, and sociology) and to practitioners from a wide-range of institutional settings who employ therapeutic practices in their work.


1. Conference Paper
Brief report on empirical work addressing some relevant aspect of
psychotherapeutic interaction

2. Data Session
Discussion of video- or audio recordings and transcripts of psychotherapeutic interactions and/or sequences

3. Workshop
Interactive forum that addresses important connections between psychotherapy and interaction research

Download submission guidelines here: http://www.iccap.ugent.be/wp-content/uploads/form.pdf .

Monday, April 28, 2014. All submissions must be sent to: iccap@ugent.be. The programme committee will send notices of acceptance by May 23, 2014.

Professor Jörg Bergmann, Germany Professor Adam Horvath, Canada Professor Rose McCabe, UK Professor Anssi Peräkylä, Finnland

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Peter Muntigl
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