
Isabel Roboredo Seara is assistant professor at the Department of Humanities, Universidade Aberta, Lisbon, Portugal.
She is the coordinator of the MA in Portuguese Language Studies at Universidade Aberta, and the co-coordinator of the PhD in Language Didactics - Multilingualism and Education for Global Citizenship, Universidade Aberta and NOVA University of Lisbon.
She is a researcher in the Grammar & Text group at the Centre of Linguistics of Universidade Nova de Lisboa, and in the Research Group Pragmatics, Discourse, Cognition (PraDiC) at the Centre for Humanistic Studies at the Universidade do Minho.
She is a collaborating researcher at the Laboratory of Distance Education and E-Learning (LE@D), where she coordinates the DIGITHUM - Digital Humanities project.
She is a member of the Accessibility Group at Universidade Aberta, developing research work and working with students at the university to promote inclusive and accessible education for all.
She has a MA in Applied Linguistics and Language Didactics from NOVA University of Lisbon and a PhD in Portuguese Linguistics from Universidade Aberta.
She develops research work in the fields of Pragmatics, Discourse Analysis, Rhetoric and Portuguese Didactics, also focusing on digital communication studies, namely questions of politeness and verbal violence.