Update: Voting was open until 27 October 2021, 8pm CEST! Members, please check your emails for your individualised link (from "Balotilo") to cast your votes.
Update: The video of the General Assembly on 20 October 2021, with reports, information, the new candidates for President, Treasurer and Secretary, and information about the election process: https://youtu.be/iETMWW6Pcao
DiscourseNet was founded as the International Association for Discourse Studies in Paris in September 2019, with three Representatives. Johannes Angermuller was elected as the founding President, Jaspal Singh as Secretary and Luciana Radut-Gaghi as Treasurer. In 2021, after two years, their term is coming to an end according to our statutes and they won't stand for election again. All DiscourseNet members are invited to elect a new team of Representatives, who will appoint the next DiscourseNet Board.
All DN members were invited to participate in the DiscourseNet elections, which began during our online DiscourseNet Assembly on 20 October 2021 at 5pm CEST, and ran until 27 October.
All members could take part in the election. An invitation was sent to all members on 20 September 2021. On 20 October 2021 members were each sent an individualised link from "Balotilo" (our chosen election tool) to participate in the online election. Members who did not receive an email, were invited to contact elections@discourseanalysis.net so that Felicitas Macgilchrist, the designated election official, could seek a solution.
Background information:
First, all members were invited to propose a team of Representatives that will stand for the election. Your team should comprise three candidates: One each for President, Treasurer and Secretary.
Second, all members could express interest in joining the future DiscourseNet Board, which will be appointed by the elected Representatives. The Board also has a term of two years. Previous Board members may, of course, continue in the Board. If you are interested, please contact the running candidate teams directly.
Third, all members were encouraged to attend the General Assembly in October 2021 in order to vote in the upcoming elections, or to appoint a proxy for your vote. We expect to hold the elections online or through a live poll during the General Assembly. Further information will follow in due course.
All candidate teams of Representatives sent Felicitas Macgilchrist (by email to elections@discourseanalysis.net) the information about their team that they wished to share with voting members no later than 30 September 2021. As a current member of the DiscourseNet Board, Felicitas is coordinating the election, and has posted all candidate teams on the DN election page 2021 for running teams.
The 2021 General Assembly was held online at 5pm (CEST) on 20 October. The current Board reported on their past term and all candidate teams were presented. Please feel free to reach out to Felicitas with any ideas, questions or suggestions you may have about the process or if you wish to run as a candidate team next time (in 2023). The charter documents (PDF) that were created at the inauguration of the DiscourseNet Association in 2019 in Paris explain the election process in more detail.
We thank you all for your participation!
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