Switch Language

Gender-Neutral / Fair/ Inclusive / Nonbinary/ Non-sexist languages and their dis/contents

lun, 10/16/2023 - mar, 10/17/2023

University of Chicago Center in Paris
6 rue Thomas Mann
75013 Paris


Nous avons le plaisir d'annoncer la tenue de la conférence

Gender-Neutral / Fair / Inclusive / Nonbinary / Non-sexist languages
and their dis/contents

qui se tiendra les 16 et 17 octobre à Paris (University of Chicago Center in Paris, 13°).
La langue de travail sera l'anglais.

Vous trouverez le programme ci-dessous.

Les places dans la salle étant limitées, les personnes souhaitant s'inscrire sont invité.es à envoyer à un mail à l'adresse suivante :
En précisant en objet : INSCRIPTION CONFÉRENCE

Au plaisir de vous y voir
Julie Abbou, Rodrigo Borba, Heather Burnett


Welcome and opening remarks 09:30-09:45

Session 1 : Activism 09:45 -11:15

Mariel M. Acosta Matos (CUNY): “¿Por qué los anarquistas usan la X?”: Anarchists’ Prefigurative Politics and Discourses on Inclusive Language

Maria Bakaliou & Angeliki Alvanoudi (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki): Attitudes towards nonbinary language reforms in a Greek feminist activist group

Ernesto Cuba (CUNY): New’ morphemes and gendered identities in tension: Fragmentations and divergences in metadiscourses for gender-inclusive language in the Peruvian activist scene

Coffee break

Keynote Lecture : Rodrigo Borba 1 1:30-12:30

Lunch break

Session 2 : Guidelines 14:00-15:30

Pauline Dupret (Université Catholique de Louvain): Mere Formal change, Necessary Evil or Leap Forward? About the Political Significance of Institutional Inclusive Writing Guidelines.

Daniel Elmiger (University of Geneva): Guidelines for non-sexist / inclusive language: An evolving genre

Aline Siegenthaler (University of Geneva): A quantitative and qualitative analysis of the suggested inclusive language forms in recent guides for gender-inclusive language

Coffee break

Session 3 : Law & Politics 16:00-17:30

Elena Mascarenhas (University of Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne) : Inclusive language in Francophone law : uses and legislation.

Benjamin Moron-Puech, (Lumière Lyon 2 university): Litigation in the field of gendered language. How do judge perceive gender inclusive language?

Bianca Alencar Vellasco, (Universidade Federal de Goiás): Gender-neutral Language, Moral Panic, and Verbal Hygienism: Political and Metadiscursive Disputes in Brazil.



Session 4 : Visibility Strategies 09:30 -11:00

Farida Soliman (Queen Mary University of London): Navigating gender-inclusive language in Arabic: strategies and challenges for nonbinary Egyptians

Zuzann Jusińska (University of Warsaw): Expressing non-binary identities via grammatical gender?

Claudia Crespo del Rio (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú): Teachers discourses on inclusive language: how are gender issues addressed in the Peruvian educational context?

Coffee break

Presentation of the CaFé Project 1 1:30-12:30

Lunch break

Session 5 : Transnational & Multilingual Dynamics 14:00-15:30

Martin Stegu (Vienna University of Economics and Business): What multilinguals can tell us about (their use) of gender-fair language

Berit Johannsen (Universität Greifswald): Transnational/Translingual metalinguistic discourse on the use of trans

Maureen O. Gallagher (Australian National University); Whose Language? Navigating and Negotiating Gender-Neutrality in the German Language in Germany, North America, and Australia

Coffee break

Session 6 : Critics of Institutionalisation 16:00-17:30

Brian King (Hong Kong University): Coercing in, coercing out: Metadiscourse on the pitfalls of ‘inclusive language’ for intersex people’s self-determination

Ier Vermeulen & Nina Friedman (Utrecht University): On the Mainstreaming of Gender Neutral and Inclusion Based Languages in the United States and Europe: A Transgender Melting Point

Jennifer Kaplan (University of California, Berkeley); Writing between the lines of ‘wokisme’ and ‘fascisme’ : ‘L’écriture inclusive’ as a rhetorical device in the French Press


Julie Abbou
Rodrigo Borba
Heather Burnett
Université Paris Cité
Personne à contacter
Julie Abbou
Courriel de la personne à contacter