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Mediated Action and Mediated Discourse Analysis: Studying Learning and Becoming at the Nexus of Practice

Seg, 06/23/2014
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The purpose of the workshop is to explore the closely related frameworks of mediated action (MA) (Wertsch, 1998) and mediated discourse analysis (MDA) (Scollon & Scollon, 2004). In the spirit of a study group, participants will 1) engage in a dialogue around what these frameworks can bring to the learning sciences, 2) get hands-on experience analysing empirical material from these two perspectives, 3) discuss their own research practices within these frames. One anticipated outcome of the workshop is the development of a research agenda and an international network in the learning sciences with a particular focus on MA/MDA.

Ingrid de Saint-Georges (University of Luxembourg), organizer
Kevin O'Connor (University of Colorado Boulder), organizer
James V. Wertsch (Washington University in Saint-Louis), speaker
Sigrid Norris (Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand), speaker and workshop facilitator
Andrew Jocuns (Thammasat University, Bangkok, Thailand), workshop facilitator
Entre em contato com
Ingrid de Saint-Georges