Switch Language

Downscaling Culture: Revisiting Intercultural Communication

Gio, 09/18/2014 - Ven, 09/19/2014
Scadenza iscrizioni
Centre for Language and Communication Research
Cardiff University
John Percival Building
Colum Drive, John Percival Building
Cardiff CF10 3EU
Wales, U.K.

In this two-day conference we would like to address culture and intercultural communication from a micro-perspective. Commonly the linguistic study of intercultural communication is concerned with analysing miscommunication between speakers from two or more different ‘cultures’, defined predominantly as large-scale nation and language communities. A downscaled notion of culture challenges this perspective and encourages a fresh look at local cultures: subcultures, small groups, families, communities of practice; every group of persons who use common signs to create meaning-making ensembles of signs that relate to their life-world.
The papers in this conference will focus on such downscaled notions of culture, as well as revisit the theoretical and methodological underpinnings of intercultural communication studies. Participants from across the world present their research on various topics, including food talk, charity discourse, educational policies and world Englishes.

We are pleased to announce the following distinguished speakers:

Dr Shobha Satyanath, University of Delhi, India
Professor Srikant Sarangi, Aalborg University, Denmark
Dr Frances Rock & Amal Hallak, Cardiff University, UK
Dr Tereza Spilioti, Cardiff University, UK

The registration fee is £30.00, which includes a conference pack, refreshments, tea, coffee, water and cold lunch for two days. Registration is open until the 27th August 2014. Registration forms can be downloaded from our website and should be emailed to the organising committee at downscalingculture@cardiff.ac.uk.

Please feel free to get in touch with us should you have any queries.
Jaspal Singh, Argyro Kantara, Dorottya Cserző

Jaspal Naveel Singh, Argyro Kantara, Dorottya Cserző
Jaspal Naveel Singh, Argyro Kantara, Dorottya Cserző