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5th Conversation Analysis Day

The Loughborough University Discourse and Rhetoric Group hosts the 5th Conversation Analysis Day, on Monday, December 19th, 2011.

The one-day meeting will comprise a series of 30-minute paper presentations, in an informal and friendly atmosphere.

Invited Speakers:
Jon Hindmarsh (King's, London)
Anna Lindström (Örebro University, Sweden)

Developing Africa: Development Discourse(s) in Late Colonialism

“Development” played various and at times contradicting roles in the discursive and non-discursive practices of late colonialism. It both served to legitimize European control and to underpin African endeavours for social and political emancipation.

This workshop aims at exploring discourses of development during the period when development first came to play a central role in shaping the relations between Africa and Europe, that is between the end of World War I and decolonization (1918-ca. 1960).