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I-mean 3, Identity and Language Conference

The third i-mean conference will address the relationship between language and identity.
Following the imean tradition, we seek to explore ways in which researchers can fruitfully work across methodological and disciplinary boundaries. We also welcome scholars from other disciplines who have an interest in the links between language and identity.
The conference aims to explore whether and to what extent bringing together different methodological and theoretical approaches can:
- Enhance understanding of identity attribution in interaction

ICA PRE-CONFERENCE: Qualitative Political Communication Research

At the 2014 International Communication Association Annual Conference
May 22, 2014 – 8:00am-5:00pm
Department of Communication, University of Washington (room TBD)

Website: http://qualpolicomm.wordpress.com/ica-pre-conference/



36th GERAS Conference; March 19th-21st,2015.

GERAS (Groupe d’Étude et de Recherche en Anglais de Spécialité) in association with the research group LACES EA 4140 (Laboratoire Cultures – Éducation – Sociétés) and the Département Langues et Cultures of the University of Bordeaux will be holding its 36th annual conference at the University of Bordeaux from 19th-21st March on the following theme:
Integration in English for Specific Purposes as a ferment of intellection and innovation for research, didactics and pedagogy
For more information please visit our website:

Reminder CfP: Panel "Governmentality and expertise: imagining economy after crisis" at IPA 2016

Reminder: CfP Panel "Governmentality and expertise: imagining economy after crisis" at the IPA conference 2016, University of Hull

5 days left for submissions: the call closes on February 15th, 2016

Conveners: Amelie Kutter, European University Viadrina, Frankfurt (Oder), Germany
Jens Maesse, University of Gießen, Germany

Economics and Language Use: The pragmatics of economics experts’ engagement with non-specialists

Call for Papers for Panel on Economics and Language Use: The pragmatics of economics experts’ engagement with non-specialists, 15th International Pragmatics Conference (IPrA2017) to be held in Belfast, Northern Ireland, 16-21 July 2017.
Organised by Brendan K. O’Rourke (College of Business, Dublin Institute of Technology) and Jens Maesse ((Institute of Sociology, University of Giessen)

Discourses of the Ukrainian Conflict: Linguistic Creativity in the Time of Crisis

We invite submission of abstracts for a panel entitled “Discourses of the Ukrainian Conflict: Linguistic Creativity in the Time of Crisis”, to be proposed as a part of The Seventh International Conference on Critical Approaches to Discourse Analysis across Disciplines (CADAAD 2018), which will take place 4-6 July 2018 and will be hosted by Aalborg University, Denmark.

What crisis? Representations of migration, Europe and the role of museums. (EASA 2010 Panel)

CfP deadline: 01 March 2010

With regard to the place of migration in museums, ethics of representation come to the fore. What are the critical/ambivalent relationships between museal space and (clandestine) migrants? How are migration museums, state policy, migrant rights groups and imaginaries of migrants past and present linked?

The 4th ENIEDA Conference on Linguistic and Intercultural Education

The European Network for Intercultural Education Activities (ENIEDA)
in cooperation with
The Faculty of Culture and Society, Malmö University, Sweden,
The Teacher Training College, Vršac, Serbia

are organising

The 4th ENIEDA Conference on Linguistic and Intercultural Education: Negotiating and constructing European identities across languages and cultures