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NORDISCO 2012 Nordic Interdisciplinary Conference on Discourse and Interaction

It is our pleasure at Linköping University, Sweden, to host NORDISCO 2012, the second Nordic and Baltic interdisciplinary conference on discourse and interaction on 21-23 November 2012. It is our hope that this conference will give rise to creative synergies and facilitate new networks, crossing both geographical and disciplinary borders.

CfP for "Music and Discourse" panel at CADAAD 2014

The panel is part of the fifth international conference Critical Approaches to Discourse Analysis across Disciplines (CADAAD) which will take place at ELTE (Loránd Eötvös University) in Budapest, Hungary, 1-3 September 2014.

The music panel will explore the broad area of music and discourse from a critical-analytical perspective. Papers may wish to explore (but are not limited to) discourses in music in the areas of:

DPR14: Research & Practice - Exchange & Change

Discourse Power Resistance
DPR is an annual international conference that has been held each Spring since 2002. The conferences began with a focus on the social, economic, political and cultural forces that shape education policy and practice world-wide. Over the years this broad focus has been maintained; but what has established the international reputation of DPR has been the on-going critical analysis of issues of social justice, and the commitment to enable silenced and marginalized voices to be heard: discourse, power, resistance.


Recent years have witnessed major critical reappraisals of British Cultural Studies and its key figures. This one-day conference, organised by the Greater Manchester-based Radical Studies Network, continues that process through assessment of Raymond Williams’ work and legacy.

The event will feature a keynote lecture from Professor Tony Crowley. Artist Ruth Beale will present a film of her 30-minute performance, ‘Performing Keywords’, first performed at the Turner Contemporary, 2013. The day will conclude with a round-table discussion on Raymond Williams and the contemporary Left.


Submitted by Chris Hart on Fri, 08/31/2018 - 14:49

**EXTENDED DEADLINE - 16th January 2016**

We are glad to announce that the 5th Critical Approaches to Discourse Analysis across Disciplines Conference (CADAAD) will take place 5-7 September 2016 and will be hosted by the Università di Catania, Sicily.

Panel: Global Transitions in Health Care [The 15th International Pragmatics Conference (IPrA2017)]

The proposed panel aims at bringing together an international group of pragmatics scholars working on health communication, and in particular the issues related to global transitions in health care. In a broader area of workplace communication transitions are typically understood as periods of change and discontinuity in professional life space (e.g. Westerman, 2012: 11). Much has been written about transitions in the workplace, particularly in the contexts of career change, novice-expert experiences, inter-organizational job change, and organizational mergers and acquisitions.