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The 13th World Congress of Semiotics, June 26-30, 2017

This is the call for papers for the 13th World Congress of Semiotics, to be held on June 26-30, 2017 at the International Semiotics Institute of Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania. The congress will take place in the premises of the Faculty of Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities of the aforementioned university, in A. Mickevičiaus Street 37, Kaunas. THEME The theme of this edition of the congress is “Cross-Inter-Multi-Trans”, the focus being “relations”, “interactions”, “contaminations” in semiotic theories as well as social and biological processes.

Słowa klucze 2017

Konferencja poświęcona jest słowom-kluczom w dyskursie publicznym oraz metodom ich wybierania. Ta tematyka łączy różne metodologie oraz poziomy analizy języka i dyskursu, w tym:
* statystykę językoznawczą,
* językoznawstwo korpusowe i inżynierię lingwistyczną,
* mediolingwistykę,
* analizę dyskursu,
* lingwistykę kulturową i międzykulturową,
* leksykologię i leksykografię.

Birmingham English Language Postgraduate Conference

Submitted by on Fri, 08/31/2018 - 14:49

This year's theme is Bridging Gaps, and with this in mind, we welcome paper submissions and workshops on research projects that focus on a linguistic inquiry, especially where different branches of linguistics are being brought together. The confirmed plenary speakers are: Prof. Susan Hunston (University of Birmingham) and: Prof. Svenja Adolphs (Nottingham University)

The ‘meaning’ and ‘doing’ of bodies and gender in medicine and healthcare

The conference track will follow the development of thinking of and talking about bodies doing things and creating meaning, through individual and historical lifecycles experienced in broad medical contexts. Thus, “bodily beings” are differently constituted in medical schools, hospitals and surgeries, research labs and everyday living environments, viewed through and connected to mechanical and electronic appliances, inscribed with biomedical discourses and socio-culturally based roles, such as gender, sex, race, impairment.

Dialogue and Representation

The International Association for Dialogue Analysis (IADA)'s 13th conference, Dialogue and Representation, will take place at the Université de Montréal (Quebec, Canada) from April 26 to April 30, 2011. With more than 100 presenters from about 30 countries, coming from a variety of disciplines such as literature, communication, philosophy, cinema, education, linguistics, or psychology, it will be an opportunity to address in various ways the link between the ideas of representation and of dialogue.

International Symposium on Language and Communication: Research trends and challenges (ISLC)

The Organizing Committee is pleased to invite you to participate in the International Symposium on Language and Communication: Research trends and challenges (ISLC). The symposium is to be held 10-13 June 2012 in the Atatürk Congress Center, Ege University, İzmir, Turkey.

11th International Conference on Organizational Discourse “Terra Firma, Terra Nova, Terra Incognita”11th International Conference on Organizational Discourse - “Terra Firma, Terra Nova, Terra Incognita”

The call centres on the metaphor of ‘terra’ – the various grounds
social scientists stand on to articulate their social constructions.
And we invite contributors to use this metaphor to explore the
established, the new and the unknown in organizational discourse

Bridging the gap between here and there: Combining multimodal analysis from international perspectives

Multimodality can today be seen as one of the most influential semiotic theories for analyzing media artefacts. However, the concepts of this theory are ambiguously and heterogeneously widespread, especially with regard to approaches in Germany on the one hand and those within the international context on the other. Definitions of modality and even mediality differ from each other in terms of their general basis which, from a national perspective, is too often focused on language as the main point of description.