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CADAAD 2016 Panel: Discourse Space and Evaluation across Disciplines and Domains

We invite abstracts to contribute to the panel on Discourse Space and Evaluation across Disciplines and Domains. In this panel we want to build on recent developments in Discourse Space Theory (DST) and its application to the study of evaluative discourse (e.g. Chilton 2014; Filardo-Llamas et al. 2015). The aim of this panel is to explore different ways of doing DA for understanding the relationship between discourse, subjectivity, intentionality and social action. The opanel will include much time for discussion.
Deadline for submission 10 nov. 2015!

Discursive Pathologies: Notions of Health and Illness from the 19th through the 21st Century

In Feminist Practice and Poststructuralist Theory, Chris Weedon interprets Foucauldian discourse as “more than ways of thinking and producing meaning. They constitute the 'nature' of the body, unconscious and conscious mind and emotional life of the subjects they seek to govern”.

Language, Discourse and Mass Media (GT2)

Los medios de comunicación cumplen un rol destacado en la producción y circulación de discursos. Estos discursos, por su alcance espacial y temporal, ayudan a la conformación de opiniones, actitudes, ideologías y representaciones socioculturales que -en cierta medida- median nuestra interpretación de la realidad social. En este sentido, el estudio del lenguaje verbal (y de otros lenguajes no-verbales) en los medios de comunicación es de especial interés a varias disciplinas sociales y críticas.

The Discourse of German Nationalism and Anti-Semitism 1871-1924

The Discourse of German Nationalism and Anti-Semitism 1871-1924

CALL FOR PAPERS: The Historical Discourse Working Group would like to announce its first international conference

English and German Nationalist and anti-Semitic Discourse

to be held at Queen Mary, University of London on 10-11 September 2010.

17th International Workshop on Discourse Studies: Critique and Decolonization

During the twentieth century, the critical turn in discourse studies produced far-reaching changes in the understanding of discourse and in the models used to analyse it. Discourse ceased to be considered an imperfect representation tool, and was recognized as having an essential role in the construction of the social, political and economic reality. Social and human sciences have progressively integrated the contributions of the critical turn into the history of thought.

Cartography and Geographical Knowledge in the Public Sphere

Deadline: 15.12.2011

On the occasion of the 32nd International Geographical Congress to be
held at Cologne, Germany, the Leibniz Institute for Regional Geography,
in collaboration with the International Geographical Union Commission on
the History of Geography, organises the international Pre-Congress
"Cartography and Geographical Knowledge in the Public Sphere".

The discourse of austerity: Critical analyses of business and economics across disciplines

Please submit abstracts by June 21st to: Darren.kelsey@ncl.ac.uk

Conference convenors:
Dr Darren Kelsey, Lecturer in Journalism, Newcastle University
Professor Andrea Whittle, Professor of Management and Organization Studies, Newcastle University
Professor Frank Mueller, Professor of Strategy & International Business, Newcastle University
Dr Majid KhosraviNik, Lecturer in Mass Communication and Critical Discourse Analysis, Northumbria University

In the Frame? Public and Political Discourses of Migration

Public and political discourses on the matter of inward and outward
migration are of crucial importance, as they are responsible for
framing the issue, and for how, when, and where these issues arrive on
the public / political spectrum (Schain 2008, p.465). As a result such
discourses have substantial influence over the general public’s
attitudes towards migration (McLaren, 2001) and for migrant’s

In this interdisciplinary conference, we particularly welcome papers
that address the following:

EAST – WEST EUROPEAN FORUM ON DISCOURSE: Talking ‘discourse’ in European linguistics: past, present and future

The organizers of this conference invite scholars working in various realms of discourse research, ranging from textology and linguistics of discourse, through discourse analysis to (interdisciplinary) critical discourse studies. Our key purpose is to explore the various ways of doing discourse analysis, historically and presently.

The main topics include: