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Radical Negativity: Interrogating productive possibilities for negative states of being

Conference Keynote: Lisa Blackman, Professor in Media and Communications, Goldsmiths

Supported by the Centre for Feminist Research, Department of Media and Communications, and the Centre for Cultural Studies at Goldsmiths.

Proposals are due by Friday 14 February 2014

Narratives of the crisis: myths and realities of contemporary society

Narratives are present in all societies. They are present in myths, legends, news, rumors, in historical and artistic texts, in politics, in everyday conversation. Stories are able to construct reality. As Roland Barthes suggested (1966) the most important issue is to describe the code by which the narrator and the reader are signified in a narrative. In this sense, an author is not the one who invents a narrative but the one who possesses best the code used by the participants.

Jewish Studies and Sociology of Knowledge: Discourse, Lifeworld and the Transformation of Traditions

Judaism's long religious and cultural tradition has been subject to many and manifold transformations. Understanding the reasons behind and the dynamics of these transformations requires a theoretical approach to the nature and function of traditions in general and a methodological approach suitable to analyze specific shifts in the continuous development of traditions.

CfP PANEL Regimenting The Public Sphere - the politics of visibility (2nd international Conference on Sociolinguistics)

The category of visibility constitutes a key dimension of the public sphere, up to the extent that the public sphere can be characterized as constituted in/by struggles over visibility. At the threshold of visibility, one often encounters power struggles over what aspects of social and cultural practices deserve a public stage, and what aspects should be relegated to the private sphere (or made invisible altogether).

IPA Panel: The fantasmatic logic as inertia and force: Myths, legends and utopias in policy making

Dear Colleagues,

We would like to invite you to contribute to the following panel we will be organising for the IPA Conference in Grenoble. The deadline is 31st of January. Please send your papers to the panel organisers. The details of the IPA 2010 conference can be found in http://www.ipa2010-grenoble.fr

Best wishes,
Aysem Mert & Katja Freistein

The fantasmatic logic as inertia and force: Myths, legends and utopias in policy making

Nordisco 2012. Nordic Interdisciplinary Conference on Discourse and Interaction

Nordisco 2012. Nordic Interdisciplinary Conference on Discourse and Interaction
2nd Call for Papers
~ Deadline for abstract submissions: 15 March 2012 ~

It is our pleasure at Linköping University, Sweden, to host NORDISCO 2012, the second Nordic and Baltic interdisciplinary conference on discourse and interaction on 21-23 November 2012. It is our hope that this conference will give rise to creative synergies and facilitate new networks, crossing both geographical and disciplinary borders.