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6th International RCA Conference: "Communication in a Changing Society"

The Russian Communication Association (RCA) in collaboration with Eurasian Communication Association of North America (ECANA) and the Institute of Philology and Language Communication at Siberian Federal University are happy to announce the forthcoming 6th International RCA Conference: "Communication in a Changing Society".

4th New Zealand Discourse Conference

4th New Zealand Discourse Conference

2-4 December 2013
Deadline for abstracts: 26 July 2013

AUT University, Auckland
New Zealand

Confirmed keynote speakers

Professor Cindy Gallois
Emeritus Professor, Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, The University of Queensland.

Professor Adam Jaworski
Professor of Language and Communication, The University of Hong Kong.

Professor Allan Bell
Director, Institute of Culture, Discourse and Communication, Auckland University of Technology.

Analyzing the Black Political Community: People, Policy, Process, and Politics in an Era of Globalization

Just a reminder, the NCOBPS Submission deadline is only 4 weeks away. Please take a moment this week to put together a paper or panel proposal for the 2014 annual meeting of the National Conference of Black Political Scientists (www.ncobps.org). The 2014 meeting will be held in Wilmington, DE, March 12, 2014 at the Doubletree Hotel – Legal District.

School vs. Memory: Conflict, Identity, Coexistence (Central Europe)

In Central European countries, a tension potentially arises between history education in schools and memory at the level of family, social group or community. Memory as a concept describing a plurality of modes of relating to the past has gained ground both in the humanities and in social sciences. Memory replaces or complements traditional historical narratives. This conference focuses on memory from a didactic perspective.


Submitted by sayf mac on Fri, 08/31/2018 - 14:49

The Tunisian Association for English Language Studies (TAELS)
The Higher Institute of Languages, University of Gabes
Jointly organise an International Conference on:
April 23-24, 2015
Venue: Higher Institute of Languages Gabes