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Ethnography of Communication: Ways Forward

Ethnography of Communication: The Ways Forward June 10-14, 2012 Creighton University, Omaha, Nebraska Proposal Deadline: December 17, 2011

The summer of 2012 will mark the 50th anniversary of Dell Hymes’ 1962 landmark publication of “The Ethnography of Speaking,” and the 25th anniversary of Gerry Philipsen’s 1987 influential theoretical work, “The Prospect for Cultural Communication.” These milestones in the Ethnography of Communication (EC) come at a time when EC scholarship is developing intensively as it is being applied to practical concerns and social problems worldwide.

Cutting Edges Research Conference

Cutting Edges Research Conference

Is it appropriate to talk of “our culture” and “their culture”?
Interrogating common perceptions of culture in language education

A conference for those researching in the fields of applied linguistics, TESOL, modern languages, intercultural communication and education

Friday, 5th July, 2012

Department of English and Language Studies, Canterbury Christ Church University, Canterbury, UK

Invited Speaker:

Professor Cathie Wallace, Institute of Education, London



A Conference at SUNY Stony Brook
June 5-7, 2014

The Center for Study of Working Class Life is pleased to announce the How Class Works - 2014 Conference, to be held at the State University of New York at Stony Brook, June 5-7, 2014. Proposals for papers, presentations, and sessions are welcome until December 11, 2013 according to the guidelines below. For more information, visit our Web site at http://www.stonybrook.edu/workingclass.

Humanism - Digital Humanism

Submitted by Jan Krasni on Fri, 08/31/2018 - 14:49

Dear Sir/Madam,
The Faculty of Philology of Belgrade University, as an educational institution relying on a heritage of two centuries of tradition in the sphere of higher education, with an extensive range of educational, culturological and scientific interests and research, where no less than 34 different languages and their attendant literatures and cultures are studied, is one of the leading institutions in Serbia when it comes to developing intercultural and multicultural projects.

The Sociolinguistics of Globalization: (De)centring and (de)standardization


The Sociolinguistics of Globalization:
(De)centring and (de)standardization

The University of Hong Kong, 3-6 June 2015

Deadline for abstract submission is 20 October 2014 (extended).

See call for papers here: http://www.english.hku.hk/events/slxg2015

DiscourseNet International Congress #1 <br>Panel: Quantifying methods in discourse studies. Possibilities and limits for the analysis of discursive practices

<p style="font-size: 120%; line-height: 150%;">Quantifying methods have been used to analyse language for almost a century. The interest in such methods has increased since the popularisation of computer technologies in the 1980s which has changed language practices on the one hand and the way these languages are studied by researchers on the other hand. In recent years this had a huge impact on the research landscape: numerous initiatives, platforms and projects have occurred under the label of digital humanities and big data.

Blues in the 21st Century – Myth, Social Expression and Transculturalism

Since its beginnings in the late 19th century, the Blues has been more than a music style with a seminal impact on 20th century popular music. As a medium of social expression, it articulated the tribulations of an entire black culture, male and female. Discourses about race were as much an integral part of the evolution of the blues as were those of class, when young white kids - in America and European countries, especially the UK - adopted the music for their political and social ends.

Second University of Malaya Conference on Discourse and Society (UMDS 2010)

The Faculty of Languages and Linguistics at the University of Malaya is pleased to announce the second University of Malaya Conference on Discourse and Society (UMDS 2010).

UMDS 2010: 'Interdiscplinary Approaches to Discourse' aims to bring together scholars from various disciplines to exchange ideas as well as offer new and critical perspectives and directions in research on discourse and society.

Confirmed Keynote Speakers:
Prof Ruth Wodak (University of Lancaster)
Prof Theo Van Leuwen (University of Technology Sydney).