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Weekly research seminars at Aston Institute for Forensic Linguistics


Dear all,

I'm pleased to share the programme for the Aston Institute for Forensic Linguistics research seminars. They run every Thursday afternoon, 4 to 5 pm (UK time) and can be attended online.

For Eventbrite links, abstracts, recordings of past seminars and future events you can go to our website: https://www.aston.ac.uk/research/forensic-linguistics/events.

This month, the seminars are:

6 February: Anthony Elisha Anowu, Anchor University Lagos. Turn-taking and Power in Cross-Examination of Expert Witnesses in Nigeria.

13 February: Natalie Braber, Nottingham Trent University. ‘I’ve never met a barrister that sounded like I do’: accent discrimination at the bar.

20 February: David Griffin, Cardiff University. What are we doing here? Linguistics and the Legal Domain.

27 February: Roberta Combei, University of Pavia/ Roma Tor Vergata. Decoding Political Discourse in the Digital Age.

Thanks and hope to see you there!

Aston Institute for Forensic Linguistics