Dear colleagues and friends,
I would like to remind you that you may now apply for the DNC5-ALED congress “Discourses and their impacts on a world of multiple crises”. DNC5-ALED is a major event in Discourse Studies and and it will take place on 25-28 July 2023 at Valencia University, Spain. You may send abstracts for either the general sessions or one of the 24 thematic sessions by November 30, 2022.
Together with Una Aleksandra Bērziņa-Čerenkovaç and Massimiliano Demata, I am inviting you to contribute to our panel on:
Social media discourse: shaping the public sphere in times of crisis
The panel and the conference is open to proposals in English, Spanish, Portuguese and French.
Please have a look at the website to find more information:
Please help circulate this information widely.
Kind regards,