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III EDiSo International Symposium: Inequality and new social discourses

Qua, 06/28/2017 - Sex, 06/30/2017
Término das inscrições

The increase in social imbalances in the past decade as a result of economic crises and policies means that inequality is a blistering topic in public debate at a regional, national and international level.
Within a context of rapid social change, discourse studies offer a multidisciplinary approach contributing to awareness, understanding, description and eventual combatting of old and new dynamics of inequality. Depending on the perspectives adopted and the traditions engaged with (sociology, anthropology, political sciences, law, linguistics and/or communications studies, among others), the field of discourse studies allows for a multiplicity of analytical viewpoints on complex social processes.
From this multidisciplinary approach, discourse studies allow crucial issues in these processes to be examined, exploring the semiotic mechanisms of representation, legitimation, resistance and circulation of inequality in multiple contexts, social practices, identities, and language(s), in management, distribution, hierarchisation, maintenance, transformation and revitalization.
The general theme chosen for the EDiSo 2017 Symposium aims to be a common core around which different forms of participation and interests may be articulated. The following sub-themes emerged at our Seminar-General Assembly in Valencia in June 2016.
• Digital discourse and inequality: approaches and methods for analysing access, participation and interaction in digital environments
• The discursive construction of new / old gender and / or parenting models
• Business practices, multilingualism and inequality
• Language socialisation and new speakers
• Language and neoliberalism
• The discursive construction of diasporic, nomadic and migrant populations
• Discourse and social exclusion: poverty, racism, islamophobia, neo-fascism, anti-EU discourses (Brexit, etc.)
• Inequality, discourse, argumentation / interaction
• Discourse and conflict: racism, sexism and gender violence in the press and social networks
• Discourse, internationalisation and organisations (the UN, multilingual universities, etc.)
• Linguistic ideologies, normativities and multilingual and multimodal repertoires (oral, written, other semiotic modes)
• Discourse, change, social forces and fragilities (anti-austerity discourses, discourse and hegemony, new political discourses)
• Linguistic activism

The themes of the EDiSo working groups will also be represented:

- Discourse and social movements
- Discourse and health
- Discourse and immigration (in institutional settings, such as schools)

Calendar for calls
The following are the dates for the different calls for participation:

- First call for proposals for thematic panels, data sessions and emerging debates: from 15 September to 15 October 2016.
- Second call for contributions to accepted thematic panels, data sessions and emerging debates. Individual papers and posters will also be called for: from 1 November to 15 January 2017.

Proposals for thematic panels, data sessions and emerging debates
The participation formats at the Symposium, for which proposals can be submitted from the 15th of September to 15th of October 2016, are as follows:
a/ Thematic panels, for presentations on a common theme, coordinated by one or more researchers.
b/ Data sessions, on research in progress, to contrast, debate, reinforce, enrich or even reconsider perspectives on the research as they develop.
c/ Emerging debates, for discussion on a theme with the aim, beyond bringing different opinions together, of reaching consensus and jointly constructing proposals for solutions or for future development.
Proposals for thematic panels, data sessions and emerging debates should be submitted at: http://edisoportal.org/events
Proposals should include:
1- Type of activity: panel, data session or debate.
2- Coordinator/s of the activity.
3- Title of the panel, data session or debate.
4- Summary of content, objectives, approach, etc. to the activity (max 3000 characters, including spaces).
The evaluation of proposals will be carried out the by Scientific Committee, based on relevance, contribution to the discipline and links with the Symposium theme and EDiSo objectives.
Registration will be open on the following page: http://edisoportal.org/events. The deadline for early registration is 28 February 2017.


Early registration (until 28 February)
Student member
Student non-member

Organising committee: Josep M. Castellà Lidon (coordinator, Universitat Pompeu Fabra), Manuel Alcántara Plá (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid), Encarna Atienza Cerezo (Universitat Pompeu Fabra), Josep M. Cots Caimons (Universitat de Lleida), Olga Cruz Moya (Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Sevilla), Júlia Llompart Esbert (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona), Luisa Martín Rojo (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid), Adil Moustaoui (Universidad Complutense de Madrid), Luci Nussbaum Capdevila (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona), Ana Pano Alamán (Università di Bologna), Gabriela Prego Vázquez (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela), Montserrat Ribas Bisbal (Universitat Pompeu Fabra), Maria Sabaté Dalmau (Universitat de Lleida), Francesco Screti (Université de Fribourg).
Scientific committee: Juli Palou Sangrà (coordinator, Universitat de Barcelona), Manuel Alcántara Plá (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid), Helena Calsamiglia Blancafort (Universitat Pompeu Fabra), Daniel Cassany Comas (Universitat Pompeu Fabra), Eva Codó Olsina (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona), Josep M. Cots Caimons (Universitat de Lleida), Olga Cruz Moya (Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Sevilla), Melinda Dooly (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona), Carolina Figueras Solanilla (Universitat de Barcelona), Clara Keating (Universidade de Coimbra), Júlia Llompart Esbert (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona), Luisa Martín Rojo (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid), Elisabeth Miche (Universitat Pompeu Fabra), Adil Moustaoui (Universidad Complutense de Madrid), Melissa G. Moyer (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona), Ana Pano Alamán (Università di Bologna), Lluís Payrató (Universitat de Barcelona), Miguel Pérez Milans (London University), Gabriela Prego Vázquez (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela), Joan Pujolar (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya); Montserrat Ribas Bisbal (Universitat Pompeu Fabra), Maria Sabaté Dalmau (Universitat de Lleida), Francesco Screti (Université de Fribourg), Isabelle Simões Marques (Universidade Aberta), Marta Tordesillas Colado (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid), Mireia Trenchs Parera (Universitat Pompeu Fabra), Amparo Tusón Valls (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona).
