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I Central American Symposium on Discourse Studies: Discourse and Exclusion in Central America

Lun, 04/08/2013 - Mié, 04/10/2013
Límite para registrarse

This symposium will be a space for the researchers, professors and students interested in the field to gather
and exchange theoretical and methodological proposals, and research results.
If you would like to request more information about this activity and the subjects to be discussed, please consult
the websites: jocaed2013.blogspot.com.
We cordially invite you to participate in this event, and would be thankful for your help passing this information
along to your contacts.

This symposium will be a space for the researchers, professors and students interested in the field to gather
and exchange theoretical and methodological proposals, and research results.
If you would like to request more information about this activity and the subjects to be discussed, please consult
the websites: jocaed2013.blogspot.com.
We cordially invite you to participate in this event, and would be thankful for your help passing this information
along to your contacts.

Dr. Adrián Vergara Heidke
Organizing Commission
I Central American Symposium of Discourse Studies:
Discourse and Exclusion in Central America
Universidad de Costa Rica
Persona de contacto
Dr. Adrián Vergara Heidke
Instituto de Investigaciones Lingüísticas and the Escuela de Filología, Lingüística y Literatura of the Universidad de Costa Rica