Dear colleagues
I'm pleased to announce that the latest webinar, organised by the Open University's Palestine Solidarity Group, in collaboration with the Jewish Network for Palestine, is now available on our YouTube channel.
With over 120 attendees this was one of our most popular webinars so far. The questions our four brilliant speakers explore include: How has antisemitism complemented Zionism? How has philosemitism related to them both? How have mainstream Western institutions changed the meaning of antisemitism? What does this mean for a comprehensively anti-racist decolonial agenda?
Tony Lerman, author of the book, Whatever Happened to Antisemitism? Redefinition and the Myth of the 'Collective Jew', Pluto Books.
Barnaby Raine, PhD candidate, Columbia University. Author of several articles, e.g. ‘Jewphobia’ in the journal Salvage.
Michael Richmond, independent writer, author of ‘Philosemitism: an instrumental kind of love’, New Socialist, 2022, also co-author of Fractured: Race, Class, Gender and the Hatred of Identity Politics
Tony Greenstein, author, Zionism During the Holocaust: The Weaponisation of Memory in the Service of State and Nation.
Decolonial solidarity
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