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DNC6 - Contact and Organization


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Contact et organisation

Mail: contactdnc6@gmail.com 


Comité d’organisation

Jan Zienkowski (ULB / ReSIC) – contact principal DNC6

Laura Calabrese (ULB / ReSIC)

Cédric Tant (ULB / ReSIC)

Nadège Broustau (ULB / ReSIC)

Tiffany Andry (ULB / ReSIC)

Laurye Joncret (ULB / ReSIC)

Thomas Jacobs (UCLouvain Saint-Louis  / Engage)

Geoffroy Patriarche (UCL-SLB / Engage)

Kelly Vossen (UCLouvain Saint-Louis)

Lydie Denis (UCLouvain Saint-Louis)

Olivier Rasquinet (UCLouvain – Saint-Louis)

Lucile Coenen (ULB / ReSIC)

Vanessa Demeuldre (ULB)

Benno Herzog (Universitat de Valencia)


Comité scientifique

Annette Knaut (Augsburg University)

Leandro Paolicchi (Mar del Plata University / CONICET)

Jan Krasni (Technische Univerität Berlin / ZfA)

Thomas Jacobs (UCLouvain Saint-Louis Bruxelles / Engage)

Dusan Ristic (University of Novi Sad, Serbia)

Laura Calabrese (ULB / ReSIC)

Jan Zienkowski (ULB / ReSIC)

Geoffroy Patriarche (UCLouvain Saint-Louis Bruxelles / Engage)

Victor Wiart (UCLouvain Saint-Louis Bruxelles / Engage)

Cédric Tant (ULB / ReSIC)

Benno Herzog (Universitat do Valencia)

Johannes Angermuller (Open University)

Michael Kraenert (University of Southampton)

Jaspal Naveel Singh (Open University)

Susanne Weber (Philipps Universität Marburg)

Aurora Fragonara (Université de Lorraine)

Magda Nowicka Franczak (Unviersity of Lodz)

Amelie Kutter (Europa Universität Viadrina Frankfurt)

Luciana Radut Gaghi (CY Cergy Paris Université)

Tiffany Andry (ULB / ReSIC)

Nadège Broustau ULB / ReSIC)


Institutions organisatrices

ULB / ReSIC (Centre de Recherche en Information et Communication)

UCLouvain Saint-Louis Bruxelles / Engage - Research Center for Publicness in Contemporary Communication

Universitat do València

DiscourseNet : International Association for Discourse Studies