Universitätsstraße 26
86159 Augsburg

Over the last decades, the research program outlined by the Sociology of Knowledge Approach to Discourse (SKAD) has spread to many disciplines in social science. SKAD discourse research, drawing upon Michel Foucault’s work, symbolic interactionism and sociology of knowledge, is interested in exploring processes of ‘discursive construction of reality’, social relations of knowledge and knowing, and politics of knowledge and knowing – the manifold ways of discursive meaning making. Bearing these core tenets in mind, the original approach has nonetheless been successfully amended, expanded, and occasionally modified to meet the demands of different fields of study and forms of data. Corresponding studies may be found in sociology, but also in neighbouring disciplines such as cultural studies, political science, historical science, educational science, theology, linguistics and criminology among many others.
Following the series of Augsburg conferences in 2013, 2015, 2017, and 2019 on interpretive and sociology of knowledge discourse research with over 120 participants and 40 contributions from different disciplines each year, the upcoming conference will continue in the spirit of an interdisciplinary discussion about the foundations and applications of SKAD and SKAD-inspired discourse research, as well as related perspectives (such as subjectivation research, situational analysis, ethnography of discourses and dispositifs).
The conference language will be German, but there will also be presentations and two panels in English. There are no fees. There will be an opportunity to access cold and hot drinks on site for a small contribution towards expenses. For further information and registration please visit our website (https://www.uni-augsburg.de/en/fakultaet/philsoz/fakultat/soziologie/diskursforschung/). On this page we also provide information about developments in the course of the Corona pandemic, which may have an impact on the organisation of the event. The then established corona regulation of the University of Augsburg will apply.
Special events at the conference
- Special session In Memoriam PD Dr. Saša Bosančić (German)
- Special session celebrating the 10th anniversary of the Journal for Discourse Studies (German)
- Closing party 31.03.2023, 9 p.m.