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DiscourseNet26 CfP – e-workshops on: Post-National Discourses – transnational communications, transversal subjectivities and new forms of nativism in globalised societies

Gespeichert von Jens Maeße am Do., 22.10.2020 - 18:30

Dear members,
after a long and constructive discussion among the team members of the DN26 orga board and the team members of my Department in Giessen University, we decided to offer the DN26 in 2021 as a series of e-workshops.
We hope this format will provide a better structure for making online events more attractive also in the near future. We all agreed that digital communication cannot substitude physical events for a couple of reasons, and we should rather think about to develop digital events as a seperate genre of academic communication. With DN26, we want to try it more "conversational" and less "presentational" (comparable to the Covid19-Workshops or the Reading Group), based on short presentations, working papers/full papers to be submitted in advance and read by discussants.

You can find all the information under https://discourseanalysis.net/en/DN26/Call

Please find attached the CfP. We would like to ask you to circulate it among your academic communities.