Dear users,
DiscourseNet is becoming an association ( Over the last few months, we have consulted the community of this portal through various emails and a survey, which you may still fill out for a few more hours!! We just had an open skype conference with all those interested in our future activities. On 14/09/2019, our General Assembly will vote on the constitution of the future association and then proceed to elect its legal representatives.
In the light of many discussions we’ve had, I would like to announce a candidate team for the legal representative of the new association to be founded in Paris: Luciana Radut-Gaghi (Université Cergy Pontoise, France) for Treasurer, Jaspal Singh (Hong Kong) for Secretary and Johannes Angermuller (Milton Keynes, UK) for Chair. The three of us would be happy to closely work with you over the next two years. We are looking forward to organize a new Board which should include members of the current Temporary Board as well as others who have been organizing DiscourseNet events. We would like to thank the many who have helped to get the association off the ground, such as Felicitas Macgilchrist and Jan Zienkowski, who have been members of the Temporary Board, as well as Tatiana Shutova, who has helped with East-West communications, Jan Krasni, who has been responsible for social media over so many years, Aurora Fragonara, who organized the last DiscourseNet event in Bergamo, Irina Mironova, who organized the event in Nizhny Novgorod, Jens Maeße, who has been actively building up the DiscourseNet publications, Peter Fargas, who is programming the webpage version 2.0, Ailin Nacucchio, without whom the Paris Congress would be impossible, Michael Kranert, who organized an event in Scotland has helped with various events, Yannik Porsché, who is organizing an event in Munich, Susanne Weber, who has always given her hand. There are many more who have been behind these activities, such as from other associations such as ALED (Laura Pardo and Cristina Arincibia), Ediso (Miguel Perez Milans and Adriana Patino) and we hope this wonderful crowd will go on with these activities.
In this email, we would like to introduce the three of us and to inform you about our plans for the next two years.
Luciana Radut-Gaghi: I’m an Associate Professor in Communication Studies at the University of Cergy-Pontoise, France. My PhD in Social Sciences was obtained at the University Paris Descartes. I do research on political and journalistic discourse, Europe, the rôle of représentations in discourse, the place of the histoire in journalistic discourse. I coordinate a research network since 2014 - Lemel - Europe in on-line discourse. For DN, I think that several objectives are important: keeping the interdisciplinary approach on discourse and welcoming researchers with different backrounds; arriving at a regularity of DN events and also doing collaborations with other associations for scientific events ; keeping a friendly organisation and not tranforming it into a complex and bureaucratic institution.
Maître de conférences en sciences de l'information et de la communication
Université de Cergy-Pontoise, France
Jaspal Naveel Singh: I’m a sociolinguist and linguistic ethnographer with an interest in global hip hop culture and other global subcultures. My PhD was about voice and narrative in Indian hip hop music, dance and art. I’ve been involved in DiscourseNet since around 5 or 6 years and have been serving as part of the temporary steering group in the last two years. In particular, I helped with the launch of our new website and facilitated communication between Board Members. I would like to organise DN events in the future and think through ways in which we can internationalise and diversify our organisation to develop and nurture our mission to be a non-hierarchical organisation. In the next two years, I aim to help complete the work on the multilingual website so that it becomes a more powerful tool for academic collaboration and I would also like to develop ideas on how we can make DN events financially self-sufficient.
Assistant Professor of Sociolinguistics
School of English
The University of Hong Kong
Johannes Angermuller: Having a background in linguistics and sociology, I am known for my work in Discourse Studies, poststructuralism and French enunciative pragmatics. While addressing questions of power, knowledge and social change, my research focuses on the discursive construction social inequality in academia and the political world. Trained in German sociology, French linguistic analyse du discours and the qualitative traditions of German and North American social sciences, I perceive discourse as a social positioning practice. Active with DiscourseNet for many years, I think that together we can make a difference and to experience DiscourseNet as an intellectually stimulating but also sociable experience. We have grown so big in past years that we now need to organise with a somewhat more formal structure but I am sure this won’t change the welcoming and open spirit of our little tribe.
Professor of Discourse, Languages and Applied Linguistics
School of Languages and Applied Linguistics (LAL)
The Open University, Milton Keynes, United Kingdom
Other team proposals may be put forward until before the election. We will be happy to see many of you in Paris! The last programme version of our DNC3ALED Congress can be found on
Past messages:
Join our skype conference for interested people (06/09/19): Link
Announcement of DiscourseNet elections (16/08/19): Link
DiscourseNet Survey (07/08/19): Link
Announcement of DiscourseNet association (15/07/19): Link
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