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Discourse, Power, Resistance annual conference

Ter, 03/30/2010 - Qui, 04/01/2010
Término das inscrições

Deadline: 18 Dec 2009

The 9th conference in the ‘Discourse, Power, Resistance’ (DPR) series – whose official journal is Power and Education - will be held at the School of Education and Training, University of Greenwich, London, United Kingdom, between 30 March and 1 April, 2010.

The venue is part of a world heritage site laid out in the late 17th and early 18th Centuries by Sir Christopher Wren and his successors. The conference will use the King William Building and the Stephen Lawrence Building.

The title of the conference is ‘DPR9: Trust’. The conference will look at issues of trust in the academy and beyond – in management, teaching, learning and research.

The six streams of the conference will be:

- Trust and Leadership in the Academy
- Trust and Panic in Education
- Research Ethics
- Trust in the Community: critical race theory
- Faith, Belief and Truth
- The Individual in a Mistrustful World

DPR 9 will look at the troubled relationships within and beyond the academy, in the United Kingdom and world-wide, where questions of trust are crucial: who can we trust, how can we know what is true, what happens when trust breaks down in the academy, in the community and internationally? What research methodology brings us an understanding deep enough to trust, and why is this methodology so often still suspected and dismissed by managers and policy-makers at all levels?

For further information please contact Jerome Satterthwaite (jsatterthwaite@plymouth.ac.uk).

DPR journal: Power and Education: http://www.wwwords.co.uk/power/
conference venue: King William Building and Stephen Lawrence Building
travel information: http://www.gre.ac.uk/about/accommodation/halls/greenwich/directions
tourist information: Greenwich Council - Tourism - Greenwich Tourist Information Centre
accommodation: http://www.devere.co.uk/our-locations/devonport-house.html
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