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Annual International Graduate Student Conference in Political Science, International Relations and Public Policy

mer, 12/09/2009 - Jeu, 12/10/2009
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The Annual International Graduate Student Conference in Political Science, International Relations and Public Policy is the major graduate students' event in Israel in the area of doctorate student education and training.

The Conference is held in memory of the late Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin.

Our aim is to facilitate the exchange of ideas among graduate students and between the students and faculty. We aim to provide a comfortable and friendly forum and arena for graduate students to share their work with their colleagues while learning about the emerging trends in research and related disciplines.

The conference is one of the largest political science events for graduate students in the International community. It helps strengthen the intellectual commitments and professional values of the participants, while at the same time, helping to focus the attentions of faculty, management and politicians towards the importance of reform in Ph.D. training and education in the higher education system.

CfPs for three workshops available on: http://gradcon.huji.ac.il/call.php

Workshop 1: Public Policy and Gender: Comparative Perspectives, Workshop leaders, Prof. Janet Gornick and Prof. Michael Shalev

Workshop 2: *Political Discourse Analysis*, Workshop leaders: Prof. Dvora Yanow & Dr. Shaul Shenhav

Workshop 3: Power and the Study of International Relations , Workshop leaders: Prof. Stefano Guzzini, Dr. Piki Ish-Shalom, Dr. Galia Press-Barnathan

Hebrw University