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3rd Finnish Symposium on Functional Linguistics and Multisemiotics

mer, 08/26/2009 - ven, 08/28/2009
Date limite d'inscription

3rd Finnish Symposium on Functional Linguistics and Multisemiotics
August 26-28, 2009
Theme: Analysing Film and Video from Multisemiotic Discourse Perspectives

The objective of MUST-3 Symposium is to contribute to the research and study of contemporary semiotic phenomena, particularly of film and video-based discourses.
Our confirmed keynote speakers are well-established scholars in various areas of semiotic, linguistic, and social studies, who will share their latest expertise in plenary talks and workshops.

Henry Bacon, University of Helsinki
John Bateman, University of Bremen
Kay O’Halloran, National University of Singapore
Arianna Maiorani, Loughborough University
Chiaoi Tseng, University of Bremen

We encourage proposals that explore a vast range of issues in multisemiotic discourse analysis:
1. The use of film and video technology in modern media
2. Film and video in academic communities
3. Methods in the studies of film and video
4. Software for multisemiotic research
5. Intertextuality of multisemiotic texts
6. Social and cultural impacts of films and videos
7. Language in film and video
8. Technologies of film and video production
9. Teaching & video and film

Please submit your abstract as an e-mail attachment by June 26 at the latest to must.finland@hotmail.com. Your abstract (300-500 words) should have

- Title of the presentation
- Name of author (s)
- Affiliation
- E-mail address, telephone and fax number
- Postal address
(Notification of Acceptance: July 5, 2009)

Fees (including Symposium participations and coffee breaks):
Early bird (before July 30 , 2009): 120 eur / 80 eur (students)
Standard: 130 eur / 100 eur (students)
Bank account: 166030-104987 IBAN: FI4416603000104987 SWIFT: NDEAFIHH
Reference number: 99108353
(Please contact us, if you have trouble with payment)

Organising Committee:
Eija Ventola (Convenor)
Ivan Berazhny and Tuomo Hiippala

University of Helsinki