The University of Queensland
Brisbane QLD 4067
Special theme: Pragmatics in Action
The aim of this conference is to bring the notion of action back to the forefront of pragmatics, to encourage cross-fertilization of ideas and approaches across the many (sub)disciplines with which pragmatics engages, and to demonstrate the difference that a pragmatics in action can make in the world. Given the central importance of action to pragmatics we do not envisage this so much as being a special topic or focus for the conference, but rather as a theme that is intended to help consolidate and unite pragmatics, as well as pushing it forward in exciting new directions that demonstrate its real world relevance and importance.
All topics relevant to the field of linguistic pragmatics in its widest sense as the interdisciplinary science of language use, are welcome.
• Professor Michael Haugh, School of Languages and Cultures, The University of Queensland
• Dr. Valeria Sinkeviciute, School of Languages and Cultures, The University of Queensland
The Local Organizing Committee consists of the co-chairs in collaboration with
• Dr Wei-Lin Melody Chang (School of Languages and Cultures, The University of Queensland)
• Dr Narah Lee (School of Languages and Cultures, The University of Queensland)
• Dr Sheng-hsun Lee (School of Languages and Cultures, The University of Queensland)
• Dr Kate Power (Business School, The University of Queensland)
In addition to the members of the Local Organizing Committee, the International Conference Committee consists of:
Pilar Blitvich (Charlotte, North Carolina), Lucien Brown (Melbourne), Rebecca Clift (Essex), Jonathan Culpeper (Lancaster), Mark Dingemanse (Nijmegen), Cesar Felix-Brasdefer (Bloomington), Helmut Gruber (Vienna), Hartmut Haberland (Roskilde), Cornelia Ilie (Strömstad), Jürgen Jaspers (Brussels), Dennis Kurzon (Haifa), Miriam Locher (Basel), Sophia Marmaridou (Athens), Rosina Marquez Reiter (Open University), Yoshiko Matsumoto (Stanford), Melissa Moyer (Barcelona), Akin Odebunmi (Ibadan), Tsuyoshi Ono (Edmonton), Salvador Pons (Valencia), Yongping Ran (Guangzhou), Marina Sbisà (Trieste), Mieke Vandenbroucke (Antwerp), Jef Verschueren (University of Antwerp)
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