Yannik Porsche

My research focuses on social interactions in institutional contexts of educational work. I have conducted empirical studies in museums, the police/security authorities, and social work.
Currently, I advise accompanying research on political education, extremism prevention and integration work at the German Federal Office of Family Affairs and Civil Society Functions (BAFzA). From 2017-2023, I was employed as a postdoctoral researcher at the Sociology department of the Bundeswehr University Munich, which concentrates on everyday sociology of globalisation. Here, I conducted research on institutional work dealing with extremism and deradicalisation in civil and military contexts.
Previously, I worked at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University Frankfurt and the Humboldt University of Berlin in a research project on social, cultural and organisational forms of knowledge generation and circulation in police work on crime prevention (see https://www.euroethno.hu-berlin.de/de/archiv/forschungsprojekte/codisp, directed by Thomas Scheffer).
I completed my PhD and was a lecturer of Social Sciences at the Sociology Department of the Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz and the University of Burgundy in Dijon (supervised by Johannes Angermüller and Jean-Louis Tornatore). My PhD project dealt with museum exhibitions about public representations of immigrants in France and Germany. I studied Philosophy at the University of Stuttgart and the University of Paris 8 and Psychology at the University of Edinburgh.
In the analysis of governmental and educational institutions, I combine methods of ethnomethodological interaction analysis, poststructural discourse analysis and analytical ethnography in a theory-oriented, microsociological contextualisation analysis. In ethnographic focus groups, I provide a reflexive forum in which I discuss my observations with the practitioners who I accompanied during their work.