Below, you can find the letter each of the running candidate teams has addressed to the membership in order to support their candidacies. This page will be updated as new candidate teams emerge. Candidate teams will be listed in the order in which they put themselves forward.
Candidate Team 1: Benno Herzog, Aurora Fragonara, Michael Kranert
Dear DiscourseNet members,
As you may know, we are running for election as the legal representatives of DiscourseNet again.
In the last two years we learned a lot about the processes of this amazing and very diverse association. We would like to thank all of those who contributed to the different activities.
From our perspective and with the help of the DiscourseNet board, and members of the different working groups we have put together some ideas of how we think DiscourseNet could improve in the next years.
In the spirit of DiscourseNet and its non-hierarchical and collaborative work, we understand this proposal only as a guidance for the work of the future legal representatives and the board; all this is open for debate. We understand that the substantial and thematic work of DiscourseNet is carried out by its members who, with full support of the legal representatives and the board, organize all kinds of thematic events, publications and projects.
Our proposal for the next years therefore mainly aims at improving the structure of DiscourseNet which should help to make all these activities interesting and joyful.
● We would like to elaborate a clear social media strategy for all DN-activities.
● We further want to demarcate clear responsibilities for the working groups, i.e. although the tasks are done collaboratively, one member will be the contact person for other members, other groups and the steering group. Members of working groups themselves should create clear responsibilities for each task that need to be performed.
● Groups should work autonomously. However, for special tasks which include the coordination between groups, one coordinator from the steering group will be assigned to each group.
● The next board should become more diverse aiming at the further internationalization beyond Europe, creating a balance between old and new board members.
● After half term, we will revise and eventually substitute inactive board members.
● The board meetings will be prepared by the steering group and those interested in order to prioritize work that we want to do and will concentrate of a) tasks b) responsibilities and c) deadlines. Tasks that have to be done in the first year are e.g. to update the translations of the webpage or to create a new landing page that includes a call to action to become member.
These ideas are not set in stone. We are very keen to receive fresh ideas from all DiscourseNet members, and especially from those who have not yet been very active in the association.
We hope you will support us during this journey.
Benno, Aurora and Michael
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