We have decided to extend access to the videos and the chatrooms until the end of next week (29th October), so there is no rush to watch presentations you haven't had time for. Happy browsing and many thanks for the great talks and lively discussions in the chatrooms.
The programme for DNC4 is posted below.
There are virtual chatrooms for each video, feel free to ask questions about or make comments on the videos you will be watching. If you are a presenter, please check back to your virtual chatroom every now and then and react to the comments/questions asked in the meantime.
If you are a DiscourseNet member (more information at, you can access the congress via the following credentials:
username: guest
pw: dnc4
After the conference, a book proposal for a thematic volume based on selected conference papers will be submitted to Palgrave Macmillan for the “Postdisciplinary Studies in Discourse” series.
Keynote speeches
Lauren Hall-Lew
Discourses of Place and Community in Lockdown: The Lothian Diary Project
Elizabeth Peterson
It’s complicated: English in the Nordic countries
Regular papers
Adam Konopka and Lydie Karnikova
Urban toponymy and memory politics in post-communist cities
Benno Herzog and Arturo Lance Porfilio
Talking with racists. Insights from discourse and communication studies on the containment of far-right movements. A critical Review
Chiara Zanchi
Words Matter a crowdfunding project on the "power of words in the public debate"
Davor David and Josemaria Gligorovski
Discursive Revisioning of the Past Through Translation “Perla” by Carolina de Robertis
Dušan Ristić and Dušan Marinković
Biopolitics of Othering During The Covid-19 Pandemic: A Literature Review
Gerardo Costabile Nicoletta
The expert and the (neo)peasant. Lay and counter-reflexive practices of research to analyse green economy discourses in the EU
Heather Mozley and Chloe Langford
Reverse Mentoring in Medical School: Challenging the Deficit Discourse
Ildikó Vaskó
Look, who’s talking! – the unprepared mind
Israa Medhat
(Re-)Organizing Higher Educations´ Institutional Orders - Global Discourses between Dominance and Marginalization
Johann W. Unger
Using discourse-historical analysis to examine the ‘hostile environment’ for UK higher education students
Julio Antoni Bonatti Santos
The politics of discourse and genocide during COVID-19 global pandemic: the case of Bolsonaro
Katharina Sucker
The democratic paradox and what is left?
Lyubov Gurevich
Framing Effect Method in Social Discourse Research: the Discrimination Frame from the Experts’ Perspective
Maighread Tobin
Using discourse analysis to challenge the dominant narrative of literacy in Ireland
Marcin Kosman
A Loss Framed as a Win: Krzysztof Bosak's Presidential Election Night Speech
Oana Celia Gherghiu and Alexandru Praisler
Hate Speech Revisited in Romanian Political Discourse: From the Legion of the Archangel Michael (1927-1941) to AUR (2020)
Olga Gurova and Tatiana Romashko
Cultural branding meets feminism in Russia: Applying a post-structuralist discourse theory to the case study of Reebok’s #BeMoreHuman ad campaign
Steven Debbaut
The symbolic crusade of policing drugs
Thomas Jacobs
Discourse Theory as a framework for the analysis of political strategy. Post-Marxism, hegemony, and the discursive reproduction of society
Veronika Katermina, Natalia Ryabchenko, Olga Malysheva and Anna Gnedash
Youtube ecosystem: An experience of linguo-discursive and network analysis
Viktorija Mažeikiené
Coping with mis- and disinformation: merging functional-cognitive and media literacy approaches
Yannik Porsche
Ethnographic focus groups as a reflexive forum for researchers and practitioners in extremism prevention
Yoann Bard, Lydia-Mai Ho-Dac, Josette Rebeyrolle and Silvia Federzoni
Analysis of the reference cohesive ties in students' original draft narratives
Zsuzsanna Schnell and Christopher Podeschi
Intercultural discussion of conceptual universals in joint online discourse methodology – frames of interpretation to bring on social change
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