Critique and Discourse

The notion of critique shapes central academic discourses since the 18th century. Although often antagonizing Critical Theory, Humanism or Hegelianism, Foucault placed himself (surprisingly for many) in the same critical tradition, rooting in the early phase of enlightenment. Touching normativity, ethics, social change and subversive reformulations of self on descriptive, analytical and practical levels in many different contexts, discourse analysis naturally holds a lot of potential for international and interdisciplinary approaches to critique.
The art of "not being goverened quite so much" is an essential part of Foucault's project of the “ontology of the present and of ourselves” and thus never ceases its actuality, even more in Discourse Studies.
This group aims to serve as a platform for exchange, networking and collaborative work and is open for critique-related researchers of all schools and disciplines.
Related Publications
Juliet Henderson: An innovative approach to teaching the art of critique in writing (DiscourseNet Collaborative Working Paper Series, PDF)
Current projects:
We plan to bring interested people together by organizing a first group-related event in the not-too-far future. Let us know, if you want to contribute to that aim in any way.