Dear collegues,
please find attached the cfp for the conference, Philipps-University of
Marburg, Germany and Waikato-University Hamilton, New Zealand organize
together with the Royal University of Bhutan, Thimphu
*** 14th - 16th of April 2014 ***
Please distribute among collegues - we will be happy to stay in touch
and will be happy, if you are interested to contribute with a paper or
*** deadline for proposals is 5th of january 2014 ***
Susanne Maria Weber
PS Don´t hesitate to contact us, if any inquiry occurs!
YOUTUBE-CHANNEL (with latest videos):
Susanne Maria Weber (2013): Transforming the Academic Field.
Field-reflexivity and academic access for non-traditional doctoral
candidates In: Engels-Schwarzpaul, Tina and Michael A. Peters (ed.): Of
Other Thoughts: Non-traditional Approaches to the Doctorate. A Handbook
for Candidates and Supervisors - From Ontology to Action. Sense
Publishers. Rotterdam. pp. 115-130.
Weber, Susanne Maria (2013): Politikberatung. Wer spricht? Dispositive
der Relationierung im Feld der Politikberatung. In: Schmidt-Lauff;
Sabine; Hof, Christiane; von Felden, Heide (Hrsg.): Politik –
Wissenschaft und Praxis. Tagungsband der Jahrestagung Sektion
Erwachsenenbildung der DGfE Bonn 2012. S. 34-48.
Prof. Dr. Susanne Maria Weber
Professorship for Contexts of Education
Research Group Innovation - Organization - Networks
Department of Education
Philipps University of Marburg
Bunsenstr. 3, 3. OG
35032 Marburg
office: 0049 (0)6421/ 28-22290
mobile: 0049 (0)162/ 4777755
fax: 0049 (0)6421/ 28-22296