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Re-visiting Objectivity in Text Analysis and Research Methods

ven, 06/12/2015 - sam, 06/13/2015
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The Tunisian Association of Young Researchers (TAYR)
Organizes a conference on
Re-visiting Objectivity
June 12 and 13, 2015
Cité des sciences, Tunis, Tunisia
In its purest sense, the idea of objectivity assumes that a truth or independent reality exists outside of any investigation or observation. The main task in this model is to uncover this reality without contaminating it in any way. This notion - that a researcher can observe or uncover phenomena without affecting them - is increasingly rejected, especially in the social sciences. In qualitative research, a realistic aim is for the researcher to remain impartial; that is, to be impartial to the outcome of the research, to acknowledge their own preconceptions and to operate in as unbiased and value-free way as possible.
Objectivity in social research is the principle drawn from positivism that researchers should remain distanced from what they study so findings depend on the nature of what was studied rather than on the personality, beliefs and values of the researcher. Such an approach is not accepted by researchers in the critical, standpoint or interpretivist traditions.
For this reason, it seems of paramount importance to revisit the notion of Objectivity in social sciences in terms of the definitions and redefinitions of this concept in addition to investigating its practicality in (interalia):
Media discourse,
Text analysis (cultural, literary, legal, academic, institutional, political…etc),
Text interpretation (written, spoken, audiovisual, and mixed),
and research methods (qualitative, quantitative, and mixed).
The conference accepts papers in English, French, and Arabic. Abstracts, the full name of the researcher, the university, and the keywords, should be sent in a single Microsoft Word document to Mr. Mimoun Melliti at tayr.tayr@gmail.com

L'Association Tunisienne des Jeunes Chercheurs (TAYR)
Organise une conférence sur
Re-visiter l’Objectivité
12 et 13 juin 2015
Cité des sciences, Tunis, Tunisia

La conférence vise a revoir la notion d'objectivité dans les sciences sociales en termes de définitions et redéfinitions de ce concept en plus d’explorer sa pratique dans (inter alia):
Discours des médias,
Analyse du texte (culturel, littéraire, universitaire, institutionnel, politique ...),
Interprétation du texte (écrit, parlé, audiovisuel, et mixte),
et des méthodes de recherche (quantitative, qualitative, and mixte).
La conférence accepte articles en Anglais, Français et Arabe.
Les résumés (150 mot maximum), le nom complet du chercheur, leur université, et les mots clés doivent être envoyés dans un seul document Microsoft Word à M. Mimoun Melliti à tayr.tayr@gmail.com

تنظم الجمعية التونسية للباحثين الشبان (TAYR)
ندوة علمية بعنوان:
مراجعة مفهوم الموضوعية
12 و13 جوان 2015
مدينة العلوم تونس
يمكن للباحثين تقديم بحوث حول تعريفات "الموضوعيّة" وحدودها وأهمّ إشكالياتها المتعلقة بأحد هذه المباحث :
الخطاب الاعلامي
تحليل النصوص (بمختلف أجناسها: الثقافية والأدبية والأكاديمية والسياسية...الخ)
تأويل النصوص (المكتوبة والمسموعة والمتداخلة)
مناهج البحث (الكمية والكيفية والمتداخلة).
ترسل ملخصات البحث (أقل من 150 كلمة) مرفقة بعنوان البحث واسم الباحث والجامعة التي ينتمي اليها المشارك و"الكلمات المفاتيح" المتعلقة ببحثه الى الأستاذ ميمون المليتي على العنوان الالكتروني tayr.tayr@yahoo.com

Mimoun Melliti
Adel Hanachi, Participants affairs
Hatem Sebei, Participants affairs
Ahmad Ben Mrad, Participants affairs
Besma Msekni, Promotion affairs
Imen Mzoughi, Promotion affairs
Yosra Amraoui, Promotion affairs
Personne à contacter
Mimoun Melliti
Tunisian Association of Young Researchers (TAYR)