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Move.net – Congress about Social Movements and ICTs

Qui, 02/05/2015 - Sáb, 02/07/2015
Término das inscrições

Activist use of the New Technologies of the Information and Communication (NTICs) is increasingly important for social movements and civil society.

Experiences such as Movimiento Zapatista (1994) or Altermundista (1999), like many others which have followed, are a highlight example of social appropriation of NTICs. Protests like EDESA II (Philippines 2001), the Venezuelan contra-coup (2002), the student revolts against First Employment Contract in France (2005), the Icelandic rebellion (2008), the African-Arab Spring (2010 ), the various Occupy Camps in the Anglo world, unrest in UK or Geraçao À Rasca in Portugal (2011), the Mexican movement # Yosoy132 (2012) or, in the Spanish context, the movement for Dignified Housing (2006) and 15M (2011), demonstrate the key role that ICTs are assuming at the social movements operating worldwide.

For all this, activist practices driven through NTICs are remarkable both in the academic world as for activist and social collectives that are trying to change their reality both from the streets as from the Internet.

Move.net tries to be a meeting point for share both reflections and theoretical analysis that helps to contextualize and figure out the social implication of the NTICs, as experiences and practices from the own activists that would allow understand the reality of the social use of technology. Move.net wish to promote proposals and projects that enhance this kind of social appropriation with emancipatory aims.

With a biannual periodicity, Move.net wish to join the academic world, activists, social movements, NGOs and young technological start ups with social purposes to debate on the possibilities of the social and political appropriation of NTICs.

This initiative comes from the collaboration between Universidad Pablo de Olavide and Universidad de Sevilla, its aim is to be a space for reflection and debate, approaching the theory and practice of the social and political uses of the technologies of communications.

For all these reasons Move.net is an academic Congress, based on rigorous scientific investigations, and a public discussion space open to experiences and reflections that come from the social activism and general citizenship.

There are a lot of questions that can be make about the relationship between NTICs and social movements. From Move.net are suggested several discussion lines, without ignoring the topics that would may appear on the own debate. As a basic guide of the discussion we will focus on the next topics (details here: http://congreso-move.net/topic-axes/):

Technological Sovereignty
Digital Rights
Digital Democracy
Open Data
Digital Culture and Collective Memory
Critical Analysis of the Internet
Mass Media on the Internet


February 1st , 2014: Opening date for submitting proposals.

October 5th , 2014: Deadline for submissions.

October 20th , 2014: Notification of accepted proposals and opening date for the submission of complete papers.

December 20th , 2014: Deadline for submitting complete papers.

January 20th , 2015: Notification of final acceptance and beginning of the registration period.

February 1st , 2015: Deadline for inscriptions.

5, 6 & 7 February 2015: Beginning of the Congress.

Authors will have a total of 15 minutes to read their papers.