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Discourse and Sustainability - Online


Please join the DN group "Discourse and Sustainability" on Friday, 17th November 2024 at 1-2 pm UK time, when we are pleased to welcome Professor Tom Bartlett (University of Glasgow) to our seminar. He will talk about

Just Transitions to sustainable practice - Is there a role for discourse analysts?


Earlier this year the Scottish Government presented its plans to introduce Highly-Protected Marine Areas in Scottish waters.  The plans were met with a visceral response from coastal communities across the country (https://geographical.co.uk/science-environment/anger-over-the-scottish-governments-attempt-to-impose-marine-protection) and, after consultation with a variety of stakeholders, the plans were formally withdrawn in June (https://www.thenational.scot/news/23622471.hpmas-scrapped-current-form-major-policy-change-snp-minister-reveals/).


When the proposals were first launched, the front page of the West Highland Free Press led with the banner headline HPMAs: Where is the Just Transition?, and in this webinar we will discuss the potential for discourse analysts to engage with stakeholders and policymakers and to facilitate meaningful consultations on 'just transitions'  to sustainable practices. 

An MS Teams link to this online talk will be shared via the a day before, so please join the Discourse Net group "Discourse and Sustianability".

Further speakers this semester will be

15 December 2023, 1-2pm, Anabella Carvalho, Title tbc

19 January 2024, 1-2 pm, Ben Clarke, Title tbc

We are looking forward to welcoming you !

Michael Kranert and Michael Farrelly

Michael Kranert, University of Southampton
Michael Farrelly, University of Hull
DiscourseNet Group "Discourse and Sustainability"
Contact person
Michael Kranert
Contact person email address
DiscourseNet Group "Discourse and Sustainability"