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1st International Symposium EDiSo 2014 - Studies in Discourse and Society,

Jue, 05/15/2014 - Vie, 05/16/2014
Límite para registrarse

All information on the 1st International Symposium EDiSo 2014 - Studies in Discourse and Society, which will take place in Seville on the 15th and 16th of May, 2014, is now available on the EDiSo website. http://www.edisoportal.org/simposium2014/ We encourage you to participate in the following seminars: Seminar 1: Discourse, movements and social networks Seminar 2: Discourse, humour and gender Seminar 3: Discourse and health Seminar 4: Discourse, multilingualism and migrations Seminar 5: Discourse and society Other activities organized are: Interview/debate with Teun A. van Dijk Research Groups Forum Research Workshops Posters You will find our programme on the EDiSO website under Simposium 2014: http://www.edisoportal.org/simposium2014/ You will also find a detailed description of each of the sections, as well as the registration and abstract submission forms. The deadline for abstract submission is March 30th. We firmly believe that this is a great opportunity for those of us who work on Discourse Studies to get to know each other in person, exchange ideas, and pave the way for those who are starting their careers in this field. It would be to our greatest satisfaction that you become part of this first EDiSo meeting for theorists and analysts of Discourse and Society. Sincerely,

Luisa Martín RojoAdil Moustaoui SrhirClara KeatingSusana Martínez GuillemMohamed El-MadkouriLeonor Ruiz GurilloOlga Cruz MoyáCarolina FiguerasAntonio Bañón HernándezGloria Alvarez BenitoCarmen Gregori-Signes